09 November 2007

We are EMO

So emo I feel sick.

Wing Suit Base Jumping

Now they're doing it when base jumping.

07 November 2007

19 October 2007


When playing with the hongkies or n00bs in Halo 3 make sure you do this

15 October 2007

Stuffed polar bear

Testing if I can post to the blog from my iphone.

09 October 2007

06 October 2007

Scratching records is childish...

First Contact! Hongkies vs Ozzies

To celebrate the first battle in Halo3 between the Hongkies vs Ozzies a comic book was commissioned to document this auspicision event. Here's hoping for more battles in the coming months!

Continue Reading

Web Gallery

25 September 2007

R.I.P. Hongkies

Finish your rice.

14 September 2007

Halo3 advert - reimagined

Anyone whose seen the recent "museum" ad for Halo3 will probably appreciate this re-imagining. BTW did anyone think the original advert was the most pompous and self-service POS ad you've every seen for a fking video game which is just about running around shooting people?!?! geez!

07 September 2007

Genki Rockets - Heavenly Star

A japanese band that came to my attention mainly cause of the great puzzle game Lumines 2. Tetsuya Mizuguchi the creator Lumines and fine legacy of games from the Sega glory days co-wrote and directed the music video. He also included the song in Lumines 2.

Genki Rockets are about to release a new single soon so here's a taste. A great bubble gum pop classic!

New Nano's!!

After going to Chatswood to eat an incredible bowl of Nyonya mee siam I thought I'd wander over to the local apple store to see if they had the new ipod nanos... AND THEY DID!!!

More photos via my mac gallery link. Oh yeah go ahead and upload some pictures of your ipods!!

06 September 2007


02 September 2007

Playstation 3 Game Round-Up

So, I'm pretty much a n00b gamer, and I don't dedicate that many hours to slugging it out, so these reviews are going to be fairly basic.

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion 2.5/5
I got this game thanks to Jobsey's recommendation. I think the graphics stink. Sure it's high-def, but the FMV parts look crap. I find it a boring game. The game is too open, and I don't feel any connection with the characters. Maybe I don't play it enough. Maybe I haven't put enough time into playing it. Maybe the characters are just too ugly. I think I prefer the multiplayer feeling of WoW. Thanks for the crap advice Jobsey.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 4/5
This game is cool. I want to play it more. The story is a bit too disjointed. The female character "Racheal" needs a breast reduction.

MotorStorm 3/5
As a dirt racing game this is cool.

Super Stardust HD 4.5/5
This seems like a simple game, but it's incredibly addictive. It's an easy game to jump in and start going for it. That's my gaming style. And it's cheap!

Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection 3/5
Fun and cheap.

Calling All Cars! 1/5
This game had good reviews, but it's shit. Maybe one day I'll try it on multiplayer.

Splinter Cell 2/5
I bought this game on the recommendation of Trappa. I expected a sneaky spy game, but it's more like a lame game. Thanks for nothing Trappa!

No Country for Old Men

The new Coen Brothers film looks like it might be good...

Blu-Ray Round-Up

Well I've got a few BDV movies now, so I thought I'd do some reviews:

Casino Royal 4/5
Looks great. The movie is good... until he restarts his own heart.

Kung Fu Hustle 4/5
Very clear. Defaults to the English dub soundrack. Good for repeat viewings.

The Last Samurai 3.5/5
Tom Cruise trying too hard to act cool.

The Searchers 4/5
This John Wayne movie is great in high-def. Very cinematic. The Duke has some pretty funny lines. The extras include Scorcese talking about how great this movie is.

Mission Impossible box set 3/5
I wish there were more blu-ray movies so I didn't have to buy Tom Cruise movies. Mission 1 is great. Mission 3 is excellent. Maggie-Q is pretty hot. Mission 2 is pretty stupid.

Hellboy 4/5
Surprisingly good movie. And the picture is very clear. Quite good for repeat viewings.

The Dirty Dozen 0/5
This movie sucks. It's just too dumb, and the video quality is terrible. It's worse that watching a DVD.

01 September 2007

Hyori vs Alba

Who do you prefer?

26 August 2007

I Hate this..

Totally agree hahaha

21 August 2007


20 August 2007

Pwnage underwear

So you've pwned all the games you have. But you want to pwn even more. Here's a start. Pass this out to the ones you've.. pwned

08 August 2007

Jonathan Ive drops the ball


03 August 2007


The Target centre in Melbourne has one of the best curry yong tau foo known to man. The taste and texture of the crispy tofu skins after they've soaked up some of the laksa soup is goddamn freaking phenomenal... Jobsey abuses the sh*t out of me for eating it out of pure jealous rage!

01 August 2007

4 Player Co-op on Halo 3!!

Tears are in my eyes as I heard this news!

Prediction : 4 player co-op on Halo3 will be like totally revolutionary in terms of a satisfying co-op experience! At the very least it will reach the heights set by the "Banshee Run"!

24 July 2007

Top 100 Videogames (as per Edge magazine)

I just picked up the special mag that Edge released where it lists the top 100 videogames.. anyways here's the top 20! There's some surprising results! It's also not a bad read too especially if you're into videogames and want to fondly remember games of the past where you probably spent way too much time on!

20. Civilisation 4 : God I love the civ series man its super fking sik!!! tho actually I remember this game 10 years ago would be in the top 10.. hmm.. surprising

19. Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion : man are you fking kidding me? yeah I know the game in terms of rpg's is pretty extensive and really exhaustive and really free flowing (I played it like 6 hours straight once haha) but how the fk can u get pass those fking fugly character models man!! fk!

18. Final Fantasy 7 : hahaha!!! For many westerners this was their first ff game (was for me) and ushered in many good (j-rpg's!!!) and bad (FMV which plagued videogames ad nausem for a decade plus). It also had probably the most emotional moment in gaming history - the death of Aeris!!

17. Goldeneye : god! wat a game!! The first awesome fps console game that will probably never be achieved again considering most FPS games nowadays are built upon the PC-way of FPS.

16. Street Fighter anniversary : fighting games.. meh.. but I guess its good if you're into these games

15. Pro Evolution Soccer : See! Edge! They're fking class man to recognise PES/WE within the top 20 games.. u rarely see any major gaming site including this fking awesome sports game EVER!!

14. Super Mario Kart : geez I dunno about this one.. but then I was never a big fan of this game.. This is the only driving
game in the top 20 hahaha!

13. Ico : artsy fartsy game hahaha i remember I watched Matt play this game i think I feel asleep.. but i can see why its here I

12. GTA : yeah! Sure the graphics were crap, the collectibles sh$t was annoying but wat a great world it created man!! And a top class music soundtrack too!

11. Yoshi's Island : Edge loves this game and I guess I love this game too haha fking hell yoshi was damn fking cute and so was little baby mario and the crayon like graphics was so bleeding edge for the SNES.. YOSHI!!


10. Super Metroid : I tried playing this before recently... but old games man its sometimes hard to play them if there more than 10 years old.. oh well I'll just take their word for it.. Also has a quite stunning reveal at the end of the game where you find out Samus is.. A GIRL!!

9. Tetris : MAN!!! Why the fk is this game only at number 9!! It should be in the top 5!! What the fk is going on here man?!?! But aside from that what simple game with such depth and replayability. And this game it just keeps on giving cos nowadays you can play online!!

8. Final Fantasy 12 : ha! I guess this game must be good!! But since I've never played it I can't really say anything

7. Halo Combat Evolved : well.. I'm glad they specified halo1 and not halo2.. that's all I can say.. haha.. tho yes I grudgingly agree its a top 10 listing mainly cos it had the most awesome control system ever for a fps console game.. But like FF7 it brought on a whole load of copy cats to the point where MS entire strategy is just built on pumping out more FPS games than you can count..

6. Zelda : Link to the Past : ha! There's tons and tons of articles on how great this game is so I won't even bother

5. Super Mario World : Here we go!!! The ultimate platform game ever!!! geez maybe I should go play it on the wii I actually dl it a few months ago but only played for a few minutes haha

4. Half Life2 : I always forget about hf series but yeah this game is pretty much is the ultimate and complete fps game that has been copied but never equalled.. It has the most awesome single player campaign ever (It finally got rid of FMW and cutscenes!!) and that games engine Valve has? Well.. it created a little onlne game called.. Counter Strike.. legend status confirmed

3. Super Mario 64 : god man I fking love this fking game!!! It was the only mario game I've ever finished and it was just a joy to finish man I didn't even mind having to find those stupid red coins n sh$t which I normally hate.. go mario!! itsa me!

2. resident evil4 : WWWTTTFFFFF!!!! serious!!?? man I should really play this game then man!!! i have a gamepube version for the wii!!! fk I might go play it tonite!! Can it really be that awesome?! Anyone here played it?!

and number one.. da-ta!! and I bet it is!!!

1. Zelda Ocarina of Time : wat a surpise.. not hahaha

23 July 2007

Greatest Hip Hop Track.. ever?

When you have a line "I'm never fake and I'm never phoney, I've got more flava than a packet of macaroni!".. yer pretty close to have the most awesome hip hop track ever!!

The music video though is not even in the top 10,000 clips.. shame..

Night Trap!

Want to know why in the early days of videogaming Japanese games had such superior cut scenes? Cos Western games wanted to use live action sequences.. cos you know it's more believable right? Case in point.. NIGHT TRAP!

Awesome song tho!

20 July 2007

3D Mailbox

One name spells excitement...

18 July 2007


Here is the Hexic equivalent of headshotting 36 Hongkies with a single bullet... be amazed!

09 July 2007

N-Pretensions or how I Pwn Myself

1. I installed the n-draft enabler on the macbook - PWN MYSELF #1

2. Macbook grounds to a halt with current router (DG846G). I thought I'll be leet and update the firmware on the router. Instead I bricked it - PWN MYSELF #2 (Though Netgear should take some of the blame here for a lousy way of updating firmware)

3. Next day I got to buy the sik modem/router DG846N which has draft n-pretensions!!

4. I install it. It works well! Increased speeds from my macbook to imac! Margin increase of internet speed on macbook!! How joyous!! Though I do notice the macbook crashes for unknown reasons..

5. Next day (Friday) all hell breaks loose. The macbook continually crashes. There are some instances where I'll just let it sit there and 2 minutes it'll freeze! WTF?! After staying up to 4am I conclude that its the DG846N that's causing all the problems. it just doesn't work well with the macbook on any wifi network setting!! PWN MYSELF #3

6. Saturday I investigate if I can un-install the draft n (can't). I investigate if I can replace the card (can't its built in).

7. I decide to hell with this. I'm stuck with n-pretensions. A lot of the mac forums have said there's issues with being draft n. So the solution? Go get the fricking airport extreme!! That's guaranteed n-pretensions will work!! So I go do that and get a basic adsl+2 modem from netgear DN1111.

8. I promise myself the first thing I'm going to do when my n-pretensions is setup is to ebay my stupid DG834N.

9. First I setup the modem to install my ISP settings. Works a treat! Sik! Now all I need to do is install the airport extreme! I have this great meal of Shanghai food too ready for me to eat and celebrate; Dumplings, red bean pancake, noodles.. YUM!!

10. 4 hours later I still can't get it to freaking fking work!!!!!!!!!!!11

11. I find out that the modem I got is a POS device that has documented issues with the airport extreme. I can't fking believe it! In fact I find out that there's a few modems out there that don't really work well with the airport extreme. So much for plug and play. PWN MYSELF #3

12. Solution? I use the DG834N as the modem! And guess what it works. Though I can't exactly say I'm thrilled about the solution. Anyways. Network is up. Macbook runs fast and doesn't crash. All is well. I go eat my cold dumplings.

13. I have the airport express that I use for airtunes. Due to changing of networks its disabled. So I need to update the password.

14. I spend another fking hour trying to get this to work. I later find out I was connecting it to the wrong network PWN MYSELF #4.

15. At this stage I'm starting to hate apple products.

16. Next day I thought I'll try that virtual disk functionality with airport extreme with my external hard drive. I switch it over and sigh with relief as it works! Though I noticed tfr files from my imac is slower due to the USB 2.0 connect (previously I was on FW400).

17. It should be noted my entire itunes and iphoto library is on this external hard drive.

18. I'm on itunes and with a lazy Sunday arvo I'll go listen to the 1UP Yours podcast. So I go download it via itunes. And. Then. itunes. Crashes. FFFFCCCKKKK!!!!!!111 PWN MYSELF #5

19. I reboot my imac multiple times and I cannot for the life of me find my fking external hard drive on the network!!! WTF?! Yet on my Airport utility program it shows it recognises my external hard drive!!!!

20. I thought fk this. I re-configure my external hard drive back to what it was again. I'm really hating apple and especially the airport extreme. I conclude it a buggy POS from both a hardware and software perspective. Though it looks nice.

PS. I later find out that not all external hard drives work with the airport extreme and also find that itunes will crash like nuts if you try to download stuff from itunes store to your external hard drive via the airport extreme. I'm just fking speechless when I read that.

07 July 2007

Nasi Goreng

One of my favourite fried rice combos.. Nasi Goreng!! At the old favourite restaurant Ayam Goreng just down the road from UNSW you can pic yourself up probably one of the best nasi goreng dishes in the whole of Sydney. Add the grilled chicken and the sambal chilli that will probably blow your ass off your butt, this is one great meal

06 July 2007


Hkd$9xxx! Still unusable in hk, but the sales guy are saying that they are about to break the lock any day now. Me and Lg is thinks he's trying to bs us into
buying it. Any one interested?

04 July 2007

You want Fresh?! We got Fresh!

What happens when reel (haha pun intended!) men go fishing?! we eat stuff RAW! thats right.... fishing ain't complete unless you eat what you catch.... so here we show you... the boat, the fish, the sashimi! It doesn't really get any fresher than this!

Oh and in case you were wondering, the Yellow Fin Tuna tasted marginally better than the Slipjack Tuna

01 July 2007


Jobsey and Tash took me for Wagu beef at Rengaya in North Sydney.

I've had wagu beef before, but it was never as nice as this.

28 June 2007

If Friends Were Simpsons Characters

The Simpsons movie site has a character builder. Here's my interpretation...

Pete, Trappa, Jobsey, Mil, Matt

26 June 2007

22 June 2007


I don't really know what this is for, but I do like the Japanese ballet girls...

21 June 2007

Ring of Fire!!


"And when I got that dreaded ring of fire,
I called Microsoft for repairs that I required,
But I sat on hold till I got tired,
Freakin' ring of fire"

"So I've still got this burning ring of fire,
And I can't play gears yet yeah it's getting really dire,
And it burns burns burns this ring of fire
This ring of fire"


Sarcastic Gamer!

HAHA this site is damn funny but best of all his songs are hilarious!

This one is about PS3. Lots of funny lines but I like

"Said Halo3 don't worry you,
Instead you offer Killzone 2,
But Kilzone 1 sucked before,
What makes you think we want it more!"


15 June 2007

rice300 Car!

Hey guys we have now finally got an official rice300 car!

This is my first go at it. Hopefully I'll make it even more sik looking! BTW this is Trapattoni's car the Volkswagen Golf GTI!

Here's me doing it for the team on the Silverstone racetrack! Inside lane overtaking to first position!

13 June 2007

Prettier than Miss Universe.

I know I know. .i am biased but please check out this latest Shiseido commercial.. Misaki is way better than the Miss Universe even though they are both Japs.


12 June 2007

Free Wifi booster!

While I was surfing the web in my living room i can't help to notice how bad my wifi connection is despite the fac that I have 3 antennas sticking out of my wireless router, so I decided to do a little DIY to create my very own wifi booster!

Free* WIFI Booster - video powered by Metacafe

my end result

11 June 2007

Shanghai Dumplings

Although other members of the rice300 blog may have had other ideas, the title in fact refers to Shanghai's most famous food - the 小籠包. Instead of posting a review of the more renowned 南翔小籠包, I decided to get off the beaten track and try a less well known dumpling shop. Was it a lucky day for me - it certainly was ! The skin was thin as is expected from all good 小籠包, but what was so outstanding about these dumplings was the soup. It was a perfect blend of pork and crab flavour - more specifically pork and crab fat (蟹粉). Here are some pictures of the dumplings and the manufacturing process. Although shy, the 小籠包 ladies were very happy to oblige our request to take pictures of them. Haha.

French Fighting Style

I decided to read a Tin Tin comic since I never read it when I was young.

This image reminded me of the world cup...

09 June 2007

Trappa plays the PS3

Trappa was seen pwning alien n00bs in the Resistance demo.

Notice his relaxed but highly focused style. The Korean fan-girls would dig it... if he was in Korea... they would call him Trapps-Bulgogi.

Olive Sandwiches

Before I got to know G and Dave we had one thing in common.. A love for sandwiches at the Olive sandwich store in the Strand! Here's my two favourite sandwiches;

The wonderful chicken schinztel Sandwich with deep fried zuchini!

The awesome meatball sandwich!

Hope this rewaken some tastebuds D and G!


Woohoo!! I finally hit 10,000 ACHIEVEMENT POINTS!!

I have now officially retired from being an achievement ho

07 June 2007

I Trapp so I therefore I Pwn

In the latest installment of rice300 gamer profiles Stickyrice chats to the legendard Trappatoni. With a quick temper, master skillz at fps controls and penchant for making workmates cry, all this combines to make a highly competitive and pwnerer of console gaming at the highest level.

Known as a pwnerer of few words, Stickyrice via the rice300 hotline spoke to Trapps

Stickyrice : Trapps welcome!

Trapps : zzzzz

SR : Wake up man!

T : Whoops.. sorry at work so cbf and fffs..

SR : Huh?

Trapps : Hurry up you poor excuse for a grain!

SR : sniff..

Trapps : HAHA crying already! Man yer weak!

SR : man! I have a cold!

Trapps : watever..

SR : So Trapps please explain your gaming history

Trapps : Been a gamer since early 80s with the Atari at my buddy’s place and the game & watch!

SR : So you think yer an pwnerer?

Trapps : Mid-table pwnerer at most games, pure pwnage at games that I get animalistic about

SR : What are your favourite games?

Trapps : 1. Goldeneye 007 | 2. World of Warcraft | 3. Zelda 64 | 4. Halo 1 & 2 | 5. Advance Wars series. Ask me again in a few years and the Clancy games on the 360 will crash in at about number 3, especially Rainbow Six Vegas

SR : Why don't you join the army?

Trapps : Yeah I was thinking about that but I might die.

SR : what u like to do most in gaming?

Trapps : special ops takedowns of buku hostiles with sik military hardware, the more realistic the better, and unlocking achievements

SR : What's buku a special type of tofu?

Trapps : You sicken me man

SR : please state your sad gamer story

Trapps : I got the last Xbox in the Kmart specifically for Halo and set it up to find existing games saves on the HD… WTF? Used Xbox crashes repeatedly after the first mission, it’s late and I can’t return it until the next day, sleepless night ensues

SR : Bwahahaha!! So how did you feel man?!

Trapps : mad and physically sick, vowed never to shop at Kmart ever again!

SR : did u go ape sh$t at people at Kmart?

Trapps : does Diddy Kong sh*t in the woods?

SR : were there any emotional after effects from this incident?

Trapps : lingering compulsion to unwrap gaming products with utmost care like it makes a difference, fetish for shrink wrap and hatred of opened game boxes ala EB

SR : Looking back at this incident how do you feel about it now?

Trapps : I take comfort that at least I didn’t have to shoot my pony

SR : Thank you Trapps its nice to know a pwnerer like you can feel pain

Trapps : toodles

05 June 2007

Nani and Anderson.

Manchester fans, we are in for a RIDE

04 June 2007

Whatz a good coach.

Check this article out. This is what I called a good coach or manager (in british terms). When you are brave enough to point out your best player behaviour and when you point it out correctly, therez what you need to be at the highest level of the game .


OMG, Another Brazilian Wonderkid.

This kid name is Alexendre Pato. Hez already in INTER milan, and hez played a couple of senior games too. The Vid showed he actually played against Barca and toyed with them a bit. This kid kinda reminded me of Babeto.

01 June 2007

Misaki's movie

Life sucks and workz boring. But at least, I have Misaki. So happens that she has two new movie this year. Kachou no Nanoka-Kan is about a Kachou (equivalent to manager or above) which accidentally died but was given a chance to see his family for seven days in Misaki's body. Let me see whether HMW has the movie.


My Little Pony Jordan

This is part one of legendary gaming stories from the pro-gamers in Rice300. First up Stickyrice speaks to Jinjin and his sad fate with his little pony Jordan.

STICKYRICE : So JinJin. You're famed for being a pro-gamer. For pwning. But I heard you have a sad sad gamer story. Please tell!

JJ : i played one horsing game before in my entire life.. its a konami
horse breeding game.. and i sucked at it.. i trained the horsie to damn
hard that he died during the race


JJ : yeah man it died.. bwahahahah..

well i didnt really die in the race but like really horsie situation... he
got a really bad injury to the leg (i dont know which part of the leg..its
in jap) but its so bad that he cant even retire.. and have to kill him.

SR : Kill him? That's a bit harsh! Didn't you have other horses? Put him to stud?

JJ : i only have one horsie.. and with limited budget.. and its AUTO

SR : Autosave huh? that's hardcore.

JJ : i got so frustrated that i dont play that game anymore..

SR : Bwahahaha

JJ : you wont find it funny if you raised that thing for like 20 hours of game time.. and he started to show signs that he could run in those big G1 to G3 racing and suddenly, in those no much money making weekly matches, you horse leading by a mile broke down right in front of the finish line and then got a very nasty injury then you have to kill him..

MAN THAT WAS A FKING DIASTER man.. thatz why i remembered it so clearly...

SR : What was his name?

JJ : i knew my horsie (his name is Jordan) would be the best horsie in the game
and fking hell the computer just cheated and killed my jordan..

i will never forgive KOEI for screwing my horse

SR : Did some rival trainer poisoned your horsie bahahahaha phar
lap style haha?

JJ : Sticky you just dont know how much care and effort I have in Jordan and the bloody feeling I went thru when I realised I have to pull the trigger...

SR : You have my condolences JinJin. May Jordan rest in peace.

30 May 2007

Classic Songs : Sabotage!

Sabotage was the lead single to the fantastic album "Ill Communication", ending the great run the Beastie Boys had with album releases (take a look at the 4 year gaps after this album for their subsequent 2 albums). It's a pretty awesome song and then I saw the video (Spike Jonze) I laughed! Especially if you're familiar with crappy cop shows.

And the sik thing is.. THIS IS ON GUITAR HERO 3!! WOOHOO

29 May 2007

hello.. again

For all you apple buffs.. the video when Jobsey first announced the Bondi Blue (Australia! hooray!) imac!

I guess if you ignore how lowly specc'ed this imac is compared to now (33k modem!! 4gb hard drive!) its actually a pretty interesting video in a few ways..

1. Jobsey is wearing a suit! And he has more hair!
2. Jobsey is still a master talker (though he hasn't incorporated BOOM into his vocabulary)
3. The imac was originally made for education and internet purposes!
4. Even though so many years have past PC desktops still look fking terrible and ugly

Here's the video for the imac G4. Personally I rank this as Apple's tour de force in terms of it's hardware design (along with the cube). The presentation is actually pretty interesting too as Jobsey makes comments about why they couldn't make the imac G5 (yet) when he pretends to cut the imac G3 in half (which is basically the imac G5). I'm not explaining myself properly. Watch the video instead hahaha

The introduction of the imac G5 isn't all that interesting as Jobsey doesn't introduce it (he was in hospital) but here it is anyways

In all cases though the audience oohs and aahs all three products and all 3 products are the "Greatest thing Apple has made!"

27 May 2007

Starcraft in Korea

I didn't understand the reason why StarcraftII was announced in Korea, but you will know why if you watch this news story:

26 May 2007

My Favourite Noodle Dish (Kohmen Zenbunose)

Learn about my favourite noodle dish, and how to get it.

Go to the Kohmen ramen bar in Shinjuku (just in the Kabuki-cho area). There are other Kohmen ramen bars in Tokyo, but I haven't tried them yet.

Here is the Google Map

Order this dish off the menu (Kohmen Zenbunose - Kohmen means soya, Zenbunose means with all the toppings). I order by pointing to the picture. At AU$10 it's cheap enough to eat for every meal of the day.

The guys behind the bar get busy...

You get this.

Select ingredients from the plate on the left and drown them in the soya noodle soup on the right. Yeeeeeaaaaah.

Noodle soup close-up. Look at the fatty tasty soup.

Close-up of the ingredients. Egg with the yolk not completely cooked - so it goes gooey in the soup. Freshly barbequed juicy pork. spring onion. Dark stewed pork chunk. bamboo shoots. japanese leeks. seaweed crunch. and these amazingly stinky fried garlic chips.

Eat your way to heaven. You might get there faster with all the fatty goodness clogging your ateries!

24 May 2007


Dear all Misaki fans out there.

I found it.
Found what?

Found the Eyewear

What ya mean?

In one of the latest Misaki drama, The Supplement (SUPURI), our lovely Misaki came up with the SUPER KAWAII OL eyerwear look that almost killed millions of Misaki fans out there.

It took me a long time but i finally found the glasses. Its from Agnes B. Oh man, i have to grab those.

23 May 2007

Lonely Souls

What do you get when you mix in Richard Ashcroft, DJ Shadow, Leonardo De Caprio, Prince of Persia and Ubisoft?

A shithot game trailer for Assassin's Creed!!!

BTW this is Assassin Creed's game producer Jade Raymond...

22 May 2007

Squilla, Mantis Shrimp, Lai Liu Haar

I'd been interested in eating these for over one year (saw them on T.V.), and finally got a chance in Ipoh.

In Cantonese "Lai Liu Haar" means "Pissing Prawn". They're longer than normal prawns, and they squirt some sort of liquid when you lift them out of the water. They also don't have the expected pincer claws... instead they have articulating arm jaws like the insect "Mantis", hence the name.

Here they are on death row...

Here they are on my plate...

They're very big, and reasonably tasty. More like a lobster than a prawn.
I found their third name "Squilla" on the web, and their wikipedia entry here.
They sound pretty intense:
...strike by rapidly unfolding and swinging their raptorial claws at the prey, and are capable of inflicting serious damage on victims significantly greater in size than themselves. In smashers, these two weapons are employed with blinding quickness, with an acceleration of 10,400 g and speeds of 23 m/s from a standing start. Because they strike so rapidly, they generate cavitation bubbles between the appendage and the striking surface. The collapse of these cavitation bubbles produce measurable forces on their prey in addition to the instantaneous forces of 1,500 N that are caused by the impact of the appendage against the striking surface, which means that the prey is hit twice by a single strike; first by the claw and then by the even bigger force from the collapsing cavitation bubbles that immediately follows. ...

Here's a Lai Liu Haar bashing the shit out of a crab. You can see it crack the crab's claw near the end.

These things are the Spartans of the sea.

19 May 2007


Wow first the Halo3 beta hits and now Blizzard announce Starcraft 2 in arguably its spiritual home South Korea!!!

By the time you read this there's probably heaps of sites showing gameplay footage and the most awesome trailer but check out this one. I think its probably the best version. Sure its a handy cam just pointing at a big video screen and the quality isn't that brilliant (make sure to download the official trailer HERE) but man.. hearing the Koreans go fking nuts at the end is the best! MAN even I got excited and I've only played Starcraft a handful of times!!!

Milkman's live blog of the Korean conference is very funny reading too check it out here especially his comments about Lee Hyori!

UPDATE : Though Blizzard have always been good with this.. STARCRAFT 2 RELEASE ON PC AND MAC!!!! WOOHOO!!!

The China man is not the issue!

And there's even a website dedicated to it! haha!! the DUDE!