Top 100 Videogames (as per Edge magazine)
I just picked up the special mag that Edge released where it lists the top 100 videogames.. anyways here's the top 20! There's some surprising results! It's also not a bad read too especially if you're into videogames and want to fondly remember games of the past where you probably spent way too much time on!
20. Civilisation 4 : God I love the civ series man its super fking sik!!! tho actually I remember this game 10 years ago would be in the top 10.. hmm.. surprising
19. Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion : man are you fking kidding me? yeah I know the game in terms of rpg's is pretty extensive and really exhaustive and really free flowing (I played it like 6 hours straight once haha) but how the fk can u get pass those fking fugly character models man!! fk!
18. Final Fantasy 7 : hahaha!!! For many westerners this was their first ff game (was for me) and ushered in many good (j-rpg's!!!) and bad (FMV which plagued videogames ad nausem for a decade plus). It also had probably the most emotional moment in gaming history - the death of Aeris!!
17. Goldeneye : god! wat a game!! The first awesome fps console game that will probably never be achieved again considering most FPS games nowadays are built upon the PC-way of FPS.
16. Street Fighter anniversary : fighting games.. meh.. but I guess its good if you're into these games
15. Pro Evolution Soccer : See! Edge! They're fking class man to recognise PES/WE within the top 20 games.. u rarely see any major gaming site including this fking awesome sports game EVER!!
14. Super Mario Kart : geez I dunno about this one.. but then I was never a big fan of this game.. This is the only driving
game in the top 20 hahaha!
13. Ico : artsy fartsy game hahaha i remember I watched Matt play this game i think I feel asleep.. but i can see why its here I
12. GTA : yeah! Sure the graphics were crap, the collectibles sh$t was annoying but wat a great world it created man!! And a top class music soundtrack too!
11. Yoshi's Island : Edge loves this game and I guess I love this game too haha fking hell yoshi was damn fking cute and so was little baby mario and the crayon like graphics was so bleeding edge for the SNES.. YOSHI!!
10. Super Metroid : I tried playing this before recently... but old games man its sometimes hard to play them if there more than 10 years old.. oh well I'll just take their word for it.. Also has a quite stunning reveal at the end of the game where you find out Samus is.. A GIRL!!
9. Tetris : MAN!!! Why the fk is this game only at number 9!! It should be in the top 5!! What the fk is going on here man?!?! But aside from that what simple game with such depth and replayability. And this game it just keeps on giving cos nowadays you can play online!!
8. Final Fantasy 12 : ha! I guess this game must be good!! But since I've never played it I can't really say anything
7. Halo Combat Evolved : well.. I'm glad they specified halo1 and not halo2.. that's all I can say.. haha.. tho yes I grudgingly agree its a top 10 listing mainly cos it had the most awesome control system ever for a fps console game.. But like FF7 it brought on a whole load of copy cats to the point where MS entire strategy is just built on pumping out more FPS games than you can count..
6. Zelda : Link to the Past : ha! There's tons and tons of articles on how great this game is so I won't even bother
5. Super Mario World : Here we go!!! The ultimate platform game ever!!! geez maybe I should go play it on the wii I actually dl it a few months ago but only played for a few minutes haha
4. Half Life2 : I always forget about hf series but yeah this game is pretty much is the ultimate and complete fps game that has been copied but never equalled.. It has the most awesome single player campaign ever (It finally got rid of FMW and cutscenes!!) and that games engine Valve has? Well.. it created a little onlne game called.. Counter Strike.. legend status confirmed
3. Super Mario 64 : god man I fking love this fking game!!! It was the only mario game I've ever finished and it was just a joy to finish man I didn't even mind having to find those stupid red coins n sh$t which I normally hate.. go mario!! itsa me!
2. resident evil4 : WWWTTTFFFFF!!!! serious!!?? man I should really play this game then man!!! i have a gamepube version for the wii!!! fk I might go play it tonite!! Can it really be that awesome?! Anyone here played it?!
and number one.. da-ta!! and I bet it is!!!
1. Zelda Ocarina of Time : wat a surpise.. not hahaha