26 August 2007

I Hate this..

Totally agree hahaha

21 August 2007


20 August 2007

Pwnage underwear

So you've pwned all the games you have. But you want to pwn even more. Here's a start. Pass this out to the ones you've.. pwned

08 August 2007

Jonathan Ive drops the ball


03 August 2007


The Target centre in Melbourne has one of the best curry yong tau foo known to man. The taste and texture of the crispy tofu skins after they've soaked up some of the laksa soup is goddamn freaking phenomenal... Jobsey abuses the sh*t out of me for eating it out of pure jealous rage!

01 August 2007

4 Player Co-op on Halo 3!!

Tears are in my eyes as I heard this news!

Prediction : 4 player co-op on Halo3 will be like totally revolutionary in terms of a satisfying co-op experience! At the very least it will reach the heights set by the "Banshee Run"!