02 May 2007

Classic Food Combinations : Bacon and Egg

This segment is in recognition of combining at least 2 food items that utterly transforms the individual parts to make a totally magnificent marriage of gastronomic heaven. Since most of us on this site love our food I hope you guys contribute your well-loved food combinations! To kick start.. BACON AND EGG!

I'll let Trappa describe his love for bacon and egg

It’s sik cos u get the combo of textures and flavours – crispy bacon, salt explosion and smokey pork taste, soft melt in the mouth section of fat, hopefully a crackly sliver of rind, springy egg white, dome of the yolk pierces to yield soft warm buttery contents, u get to mix them up like an artiste! Selecting a bit of bacon, a bit of egg to create a perfect blend on the tongue! And if yer a fking wanker u could foam it all up and serve it to toffs


Ricky said...

that egg burger looks really really good! I love burgers with fresh eggs unlike McD with their fake eggs.

Anonymous said...

you know, you guys are total elitists/snobs, but just the other way round! hahha

Jobsey said...

ya hahahaha we go AGAINST the grain!!!

its that line in high fidelity man..

Customer: You guys are snobs.

Dick: No, we're not.

Customer: Yeah, seriously, you're totally elitist. You feel like the unappreciated scholars, so you shit onto people who know lesser than you.

Rob, Barry, Dick: No!

Customer: Which is everybody

RBD : yeah..