02 May 2007

Wires not connected

While I was doing the normal airplane inspection the other day before flying back to Hong Kong i suddenly noticed this wired not connected to anything, so I enquire the mechanic about this and he doesn't even know what that wire is for... I wonder how many of those are on the airplane?


Anonymous said...

WTF? a u scared to fly that thing once you found out there is this unknown wired hanging out ???

Man,did you revert back to the captain and stuff? Man, that could have cost your life and others.. be careful man.

Ricky said...

hahaha.. its not that serious, cuz its only a relatively small wire! if its a big one i would be scared.

Jobsey said...

u should regail us of some freaky flight stories u've been involved with man!

Anonymous said...

which airline do you work for again???