07 May 2007

Classic Food Combo - Corn!

Feast your eyes on this!


LegoTrapps said...

mmmm, looks very juicy and succulent, buttered just right and cracked pepper (hopefully cracked sea salt) the important final touch. To criticise... not toasty enough, toasted edges makes the corn... and it looks freaky suspended on a pinkie finger wrapped in a tissue

Anonymous said...

i love corn, but i find that the corn kernels find their way into my excrement whole the next day. it disturbs me that they go undigested.

Jobsey said...

bwahaha that's gross dave

Anonymous said...

Another vegetable that does that is the Chinese 'Fat Choi', the black hair stuff. The stuff floats to the top too !

Anonymous said...

Trust me - it was the best corn on the cob I've ever had. So sweet so succulent...

LegoTrapps said...

Dave you should go eat some beetroot, corn and the chinese black sh*t and go take a photo of the results for the blog

Meteorgarden said...

Corn & cold Vita Lemon Tea... the best combo... i reckon i could live and survive on a desserted island with just these two foodstuffs...