17 April 2007

Gauntlet and Meatballs

Jobsey and Wozza in their search for AP (Achievement Points) decided to co-op on that legendary and the original co-op game.. GAUNTLET!! As a download from the XBLA for a mere $6 here they were guaranteed 200 AP!

But then.. they realised there was this cheat where if you just waited there for 3 minutes not doing anything.. the walls would unlock into exits hence allowing you to go through the levels damn fast! Heck it was easier than playing through it!

But what to do during those 3 minutes? Talk? I guess.. But since the two daily chatted on email there wasn't much to say. So.. let's just go do the chores!!!

In the end Wozza washed some dishes and Jobsey cooked a bunch of meatballs! And they managed to grab 85 AP during the process!

1 comment:

JinJin said...

bwahahahaha.. u guys are really the AP whore.. hahhahahaa

btw, the meatballs look really nice.