09 April 2007


To Meteorgarden, Jobsey, Wozniak, Rosaria, Musa, Fabs, Norbu, Vainity and many wonderful bros in WoW.

I HAVE MADE IT TO LEVEL 70. This is a journey i would never forget because I have thought to be so easy and quick. Special thanx to Musa and Norbu who actually helped me out a lot during the tough times. Now its back to RAIDING TIME. I am looking forward for KARA and my new MUTILATE build should be kicking ass there.

Btw, i got my flying mount already. Cost me 900 gold but whatz gold anyway. I love the feeling of flying from Hellfire back to Nagrand and then to Shadowmoon. Its lovely.

I have also farmed the Scryers Rep to exalted and so, MY FIRST EVER LEVEL 70 EPIC Dagger is almost in my hands... now I just need to farm 178 gold. That would be pretty easy because a hand in for quest at level 70 give you 13 gold at least. I still have a lot of quest to finish and hopefully, that would be me the my first bucket of gold for my epic flying mount. Bwahahaahhahaah


Meteorgarden said...

WoW!!!! congrats Jin!!! i feel ashamed for being so far behind... but having said that i just killed a damn hard boss in FFXII with nearly my whole party wiped out and only the main character surviving with 12 HP hahahhah... its these epic battles we will alawys remember... just like the first time in WoW when we killed the first boss in BWL!!! i will never forget that day.... i can still remember the spastic cheering on Vent hahahahha

Jin.. is the flying mount damn cool?

JinJin said...

Meteorgarden, yeah man, damn cool. btw, when you are free to do somwe wow? i am waiting for my priest to do some private healing :)

Jobsey said...

You should get a 360 now man

JinJin said...

ok i will seriously consider getting one.. but i still prefer to get sony and wii bwahahahahaha

LegoTrapps said...

Meteor, tell the readers about the time you played Zelda64 in one marathon sitting because you couldn't do a game save, everyone else close your browsers now...

JinJin said...

really.. thatz bloody shit man..

btw, what games are in now for xbox360?

Ricky said...

yau mo gau chor, no me on ur list!!